Our Ministry Story

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God is healing, restoring and uniting families. He is birthing revival through these most precious relationships. He is raising up a generation who will live for Him and expand his Kingdom.

I came to Christ almost fourteen years ago after many years of making poor choices shaped by a painful childhood and father wounds.I spent most of my twenties and thirties trying to fix and find myself, pretending to be okay while suffering from deep shame, unworthiness and loneliness. When I gave my heart to Jesus, I experienced radical healing from an eating disorder I had for more than twenty years and encountered a deep love, joy and acceptance that I’d been looking for my whole life. God began to use me to share my story, to testify to the power of the Gospel to transform lives. I’ve been teaching and preaching ever since, but now one of my biggest dreams has come true; the dream of serving with my family in ministry. God promised me that one day my family and I would be serving Him together. It seemed impossible because Vince had his own wounds that held him back, but as you know, nothing is impossible with God!

At the end of 2017, Vince surrendered his heart to Jesus, rather than just going through the motions. He finally agreed to go to prayer counseling and for a year, worked on reconciling and healing from his own past. He learned how to go from an orphan to a son of God. It’s been a powerful transformation, not only for Vince, but for our marriage and family.

This transformation hasn’t been easy and isn’t done yet. but by the power of the Holy Spirit we have been able to offer forgiveness, grace and truth to one another and continue to apply the lessons and Biblical tools we learned through the process.

Now we are the co-founders and stewards of Rise and Rejoice Ministries, a Kingdom discipleship and worship ministry, and have the tremendous blessing to not only serve with our adult kids, but also with other young people with the same heart.

We believe God is restoring families and birthing revival in and through these most precious relationships. Jesus is healing marriages and uniting families. God is also raising up a movement of young people who are committed to living for Jesus. Don’t get discouraged by the news reports, because although the enemy is working hard to try to steal, kill and destroy, God is greater. Jesus is bringing abundant life, and igniting hope and light to shine in the darkness. What the enemy means for harm, God turns for good for the saving of many lives.

The light shines in the darkness and the darkness shall not overcome it.


Don’t Be Fooled


Valley of Victory